Stop PRISM (surveillance program). All email traffic is transferred through an SSL encrypted connection. Protect your privacy, hide your IP address and identity.

With end-to-end encryption and 2FA, your emails have never been more secure. The built-in encryption guarantees that your mailbox belongs to you: Nobody can decrypt or read your data.

We do not log your IP. All emails and SMS are encrypted. We can't report anything to foreign governments this includes the US and European Union governments.

Send anonymous Email and SMS. You can spoof the SMS sender number and many more. Click here to sign-up!

Information: This service is optimized for internal communication. It is advisable that the sender and recipient use our same service, You can also let your friends or business partners use this service so that you can communicate anonymously and securely. You don't have to pay thousands of euros a year - it starts at 50 EUR a year. Anonymous SMS and Email - FAQ

Anonymous Email & SMS Service


Here you find answers to frequently asked questions. Often this is a convenient way to find answers to your questions. Should your question not be answered, please do not hesitate to contact us.

 Can I see a example email header ?

 Can I send Fake SMS with Fake Sender Numer ?

 Can I spoof my SMS Sender ID ?

 Can investigators track my email back to my PC ?

 Do you allow spam?

 Do you have a free Account ?

 Do you have a technical email support ?

 Do you have access to my emails or SMS ?

 Do you pass out information about anonymous email sent to anyone ?

 Do you store IPs or LogFiles?

 Do you support SSL?

 How long time is need to receicve an email ?

 If someone sends me an email and I reply to that email, does my IP address show up ?

 Payment Methods

 SMS Recipient Number Format

 Spoofing SMS Sender ID

 What is / / ?

 Why and not a other Anonymous Email Service ?


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